Submitting a proposed asset name

Council is inviting members of the community to submit naming suggestions to be included on Council’s Asset Naming Masterlist.

We are particularly seeking to recognise prominent women from the region and to include local Aboriginal language onto our Masterlist.

The Masterlist provides Council and Developers a selection of pre-approved names to choose from when naming new roads, open space or buildings.

Naming of Council assets such as roads and parklands provide an opportunity to honour individuals and groups in the community for past contributions and achievements that deserve recognition. It also presents an opportunity to emphasise important landmarks and geographical features of historical or cultural significance.

Please read the Naming Guidelines in the document library prior to submitting your suggestion.

Names must be:

  • easy to pronounce, spell and write,
  • preferably not exceed 3 words (including feature type) and/or 25 characters.

An exception to this is in the use of Aboriginal languages, when it is accepted that Aboriginal names that initially seem complex will, over time, become familiar or easy to use (E.g. Chinkapook, Chillingollah and Manangatang)

All eligible submissions will be put to Council at a future Ordinary Meeting of Council. Council, at its discretion, may adopt, alter or reject any recommendation presented.

To make a submission, please fill in the form below , photos and documents can be added and will form part of an online Asset Name Dictionary in the future.

*The names of people who are still alive must be avoided because community attitudes and opinions can change over time.