Your Vision. Our Future.
Thank you for your collaboration over the five months and to everyone who shared their aspirations and vision for our region. At the Council Meeting on Tuesday 26 October, 2021, Council formally adopted the Council Plan.
The Council Plan will provide us with a road map of how to deliver the Community Vision in partnership with the community over the next four years.
We would like to sincerely thank you for your extraordinary effort and participation in helping us develop the Council Plan. Thank you for trusting us to listen to you and hear your ideas and feedback.
Community Vision
The Community Vision describes what everyone wants for our region and community over the next 10 years. The 10 year Vision was developed over June, July and August 2021, with a total 1294 comments from people who live, work, play and visit the Swan Hill Rural City Council area.
Built on strong foundations that embrace our rich history and natural environment, our region will be a place of progression and possibility, we are a community that is happy, healthy & harmonious - we are empowered, we are respectful and we are proud.
Council Plan
The Draft Council Plan 2021–25 describes the community’s long-term vision for the Swan Hill Rural City Council and shows how the Council will strive towards that vision and the health and wellbeing focus areas during its four-year term.
Our vision for the municipality anchors and connects these four pillars to deliver real outcomes for the community.
You can view or download the Draft Council Plan 2021-2025 from the document library to the right of the screen.
The four pillars to deliver real outcomes for our community
We are excited to be sharing this Draft Council Plan and Community Vision with you and look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.
Community Engagement Process
During June, July and August 2021, Swan Hill Rural City Council undertook a community engagement program to develop the Swan Hill Rural City Council Community Vision and Council Plan 2021-2025. The Community Vision and Council Plan sets key aspirations and priorities that the Council and the community will work towards together to deliver on a shared future for our region.
All Victorian councils must develop a Community Vision statement as set out in the Local Government Act 2020. The results of this community engagement program will help to directly inform the development of Swan Hill Rural City Council’s Council Plan.
RMCG engaged with the Swan Hill City Rural Council community in support of the development of its Community Vision and four-year Council Plan, incorporating the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan (MHWP), ready for adoption by October 2021.
The online survey included an almost even split of people from the different age brackets and included responses from all of the main towns in the municipality.
A total of 1294 comments were received in Phase 1 of this project. Comments came from 304 participants.
Although we can’t list all the great ideas here, below are the key themes that came out from our survey and discussions.
Sub-theme | Specific examples |
Activation (focus on young people but for all ages) | ▪More public spaces for young people to hang out ▪More opportunities in winter months and that are not sport-related ▪After school programs ▪Giving young people reasons to stay or return to the region ▪Structured and unstructured activation opportunities for kids, young people and older people |
Connections across towns | ▪More opportunities for cross-township connections such as events, community groups and tourism offers including Aboriginal tourism ▪Bike and walking paths that connect towns ▪More opportunities to share cultures |
Community involvement and transparency | ▪Clear communication of decision-making processes of council ▪More support provided to and partnerships with community groups ▪Clear, public information on how rates are spent |
Environmental assets (with emphasis on the river and Lake Boga) | ▪Protection and promotion ▪Improved access to the river and lake ▪Development of the river and lake |
Growth (and amenities required for growth) | ▪Improved digital infrastructure ▪Improved healthcare services ▪More shops ▪Sustainable growth ▪Retaining the rural feel ▪Enhancing business opportunities |
Housing | ▪For economic development ▪Removing infrastructure, planning and process barriers to the development of housing ▪More affordable housing options |
Transport | ▪Reliable transport service between towns within the region ▪More options for active transport (walking and cycling paths) ▪To improve access to services like healthcare |
Council is entering an exciting time as it sets out to create a 10-year Community Vision as well as a 4-year Council Plan, incorporating Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan.
As part of this process, Swan Hill Rural City Council is working with RMCG to gather local community feedback and ideas on what would make the Swan Hill Municipality a great place to live, both now and in the future.
The feedback and ideas you provide, will create the Community Vision, guiding the Swan Hill Region into the future. The Council Plan 2021-2025 will outline identified strategies to move towards that vision over the next four years.
Together these plans will guide Council’s direction and activities over the coming years to create healthy, vibrant and prosperous community's for everyone.
Why is this exciting?
Now is the chance for ALL community members to have their say – and help shape our community for our future.
Council wants to hear your aspirations and visions for our municipality, as well as any challenges you face and what ideas you might have to overcome these.
Why now?
A community vision is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 and provides a great opportunity to engage with the community.
The future looks great.
Our Community Vision will create better connections between Council and the community, providing a shared vision to work towards.