Provide feedback on the Council Plan

As Swan Hill Rural City Council continues to evolve and develop, so do our goals and priorities for the region. Council is inviting the community to pose questions about the Community Vision and Council Plan 2021 - 25.

Council are committed to ensuring the Council Plan remains relevant to our community and wants to ask you for your input annually, ensuring the decisions being made are in the best interests of our community.

The review of the Council Plan is more of a fine-tune than an overhaul.

Many people in the community gave their time and effort to help create the 10 year Community Vision and Council Plan last year. This consultation is simply about ensuring the plan meets community expectations and remains on track to help deliver the goals described in the long-term community vision, which is at the heart of our Council Plan; and all the work that flows from there – our priorities, strategic plans, investments, services, partnerships and activities.

The Council Plan is available here or in the document library on this page.

The quarterly Council Plan progress report is available here or in the document library on this page. The progress report clearly defines the actions Council is taking to achieve outcomes within the Council Plan and shows how Council is tracking at achieving them.

Council is now asking the community to submit any questions or requests they have in relation to the Council Plan.

The questions and commentary will be reviewed by Council and will help inform the revision of the plan if necessary.

Have your say on the Council Plan 2021-25.

Have your say by 5pm Friday 19 August, 2022


complete the form below



send to: CEO, Swan Hill Rural City Council, PO Box 488, Swan Hill VIC 3585

Make a submission

Provide feedback on the Council Plan 2021-25


Provide feedback on the Council Plan 2021-25

Submitters should note that all submissions are made available to the public in full (including any personal information).

Allowed file types: pdf,doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,rtf,png,gif,jpg,jpeg Size limit: 1.00 MB