Council is inviting the community to provide feedback on our draft Governance Rules.
The Local Government Act 2020 requires Council to adopt and maintain Governance Rules which were originally adopted by Council in August 2020.
The Regulatory Legislation Amendment Act 2022 proposes amendments to the Act that are required to be reflected in our Governance Rules. In summary, the amendments include the ability and process to approve Councillors attending Council and Delegated Committee Meetings via electronic means from 2 September 2022.
We have also taken this opportunity to review the Governance Rules and add guidelines for the use of the Common Seal.
The proposed changes to the Governance Rules can be downloaded from the document library or view below.
All feedback received by Council by 5pm on Sunday 14 August 2022 will be considered prior to adoption of the final Governance Rules.
Proposed Changes
The following changes have been made to the Draft Governance Rules.
means a meeting of a Delegated Committee convened in accordance with these Governance Rules and includes a scheduled or unscheduled meeting (whether held as face-to-face attendance in a set location or via electronic means (virtual) or in a ‘hybrid’ or ‘parallel’ format that mixes in-person and electronic attendance) |
means a meeting of the Council convened in accordance with these Governance Rules and includes a scheduled meeting and unscheduled meeting (whether held as face-to-face (in-person) attendance in a set location or via electronic means (virtual) or in a ‘hybrid’ or ‘parallel’ format that mixes in-person and electronic attendance)
means a majority of the elected Councillors or appointed Delegated Committee members. Under section 61(6A) of the LG Act, for the purposes of these meetings, a Councillor or Delegated Committee member present by electronic means of communication is deemed present for the purposes of a quorum
Included an updated definition of open to the public which includes attendance in person by a member of the public, or a meeting that is broadcasted live on the council internet site. Included an agreed process for requesting and approving attendance by electronic means.
Council by resolution can determine the proposed or preferred format style of meetings (in-person, electronic- including hybrid or parallel) noting the criteria and process available for a member who wishes to request approval to attend by electronic means. Council may determine certain meetings that must be held solely as face-to-face (in-person) meetings.
To ensure meetings are managed in an orderly manner a process has been included for a situation where a key attendee (such as Mayor, Chair, Councillor or CEO) loses connection if they are attending a meeting electronically.
A flowchart has been included which outlines the process to be followed for a Mayoral election.
Statement of technical difficulties included in the normal order of business
If the meeting is to be held in face to face or a single electronic or hybrid/parallel format then the general public will follow the set procedures to submit a question or petition.
Processes included for members of the public to attend face-to-face (in-person) in a set location or via electronic means.
Voting may be by any method resolved by Council that enables those in attendance and those watching a livestream broadcast to clearly see which way a Council has voted at the time a vote is taken. In the absence of a Council resolving an alternative method, voting on any matter is by show of hands. This applies to Councillors and members of Delegated Committees attending face to face (In-person) or via electronic means.
Guidelines for the use of Council’s Common Seal have been included.
Provide your feedback
complete the form below
send to: CEO, Swan Hill Rural City Council, PO Box 488, Swan Hill VIC 3585