Photography competition!

Swan Hill Rural City Council is running a photography competition and inviting community members to submit their best photographs, showcasing the unique beauty of our region.

The winning entry will be featured on the cover of the Swan Hill Rural City Council Annual Report 2023/24.

Competition Rules

  • Eligibility

The competition is open to all community members within the Swan Hill municipality.

Participants must be 18 years or older to enter. Minors may participate with parental or guardian consent.

  • Submission Guidelines

Each participant may submit up to three (3) photographs.

Photographs must be original and taken within the Swan Hill municipality.

Only digital submissions are accepted. Photographs must be in JPEG or PNG format.

Submissions must be accompanied by a completed entry form, including the photographer’s name, contact information, photo title, and a brief description of the photograph.

  • Content Requirements

Photographs should showcase the unique beauty of the Swan Hill Rural City Council region. This can include landscapes, cityscapes, local landmarks, flora and fauna, or community life.

Photographs must not contain any identifiable individuals without their consent.

Submissions must not contain any offensive, inappropriate, or copyrighted content.

  • Rights and Usage

By entering the competition, participants grant Swan Hill Rural City Council non-exclusive rights to use their submitted photographs in promotional materials, publications, and on digital platforms, with appropriate credit given to the photographer.

  • Submission Deadline

All entries must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, 31 July 2024.

  • Judging Criteria

Entries will be judged based on originality, creativity, technical quality, and relevance to the theme of showcasing the unique beauty of the Swan Hill Rural City Council region.

  • Winner Announcement

The winner will be notified via email and announced on Council's website and social media platforms.

The winning entry will be featured on the cover of the Swan Hill Rural City Council Annual Report 2023/24.

  • Acceptance of Rules

By entering the competition, participants agree to these rules.