
Council has undertaken a review of the amount of existing land that is zoned for Rural Living and Low Density Residential throughout the municipality.

This project was a recommended action in the adopted Rural Land Use Strategy in 2016, which identified a need for more of this type of rural residential/hobby farm zoned land.

However, as part of the process to successfully rezone land the State government requires greater assessment and analysis of the supply and demand. More specifically as part of the State planning system, the government only allows Council to provide 15 years supply of residential, commercial and industrial land.

This is to ensure that certain types of land is not over supplied and rezoned without appropriate justification. Council therefore engaged a private consultant to review and assess a number of sites throughout the municipality for the possible rezoning to either a Rural Living Zone or Low Density Residential Zone.

A total of 18 sites have been reviewed as part of the Rural Living and Low Density Residential Demand and Supply Analysis report throughout the municipality.

Council is now seeking community feedback about the preferred six sites that will be considered for rezoning in the initial Planning Scheme Amendment.

Council is also seeking feedback about the remaining 12 sites which may be further considered for rezoning at a later stage. Please refer to the report for greater details about the supply and demand analysis.

Please also complete the online questionnaire and provide any additional written comments.