Council is committed to actively working with the community to develop new and innovative housing solutions.


Council understands the impact associated with the current housing market conditions including the negative impacts the housing shortage has on employment and growth outcomes for the region.

At present around 60-70 homes are built each year in the municipality and this is not addressing the current shortfall, let alone building houses for people to move here to work and live.

In 2023, Council conducted a Housing Summit which highlighted the need to explore and develop new innovative approaches to support housing outcomes. This included bringing people together in a well-coordinated community approach, where we make best use of land, investment dollars, government funding and local know how.

Target 500 - 500 homes in 5 years

What are we doing now?

We're setting a bold target to build 500 homes over the next five years. It's a simple proposition: build more homes. But the Council can't fix the problem alone. Here is what we working towards over the next two years - together.
  • Timeline item 1 - incomplete

    Swan Hill Region Housing Action Plan

    Articulates Council’s role and intent to increase housing outcomes for the region over the next two years. Featuring key initiatives from the Robinvale Housing Strategy and Loddon Mallee Housing Action Plan, the Swan Hill Region Housing Action Plan is a flexible working document, to be monitored by Council twice a year.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    Housing Action: Greater Swan Hill

    Housing Action: Greater Swan Hill Committee:

    A Committee of partners who see communities across the greater Swan Hill area realising social and economic potential because the region has sufficient diverse, high quality, sustainable and affordable housing – housing for all comprises two forms of membership:

    • General Members – a group of individuals who are involved in any of the sectors relating to housing and community services
    • Executive Members – a subset of General Members who accept additional responsibilities for governing the overall Committee.

    Demand Survey:

    • A demand survey will be conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the specific housing requirements and quantities needed.
  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Council’s Development Advisory Service

    To support improving the quality and timelines for Planning Permit applications and approvals, this service will seek to access and utilise professional advice, under a Council provided support service.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Residential Vacant Land Audit

    Vacant residential land audit for the city of Swan Hill to support potential infill housing outcomes.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Swan Hill Drainage Strategy

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Rural Residential Strategy

    To determine locations that land can potentially be rezoned.

Background - Housing Summit - Beyond Bricks and Mortar

In November 2023, Council hosted Beyond Bricks & Mortar Housing Summit in a bold move to tackle housing availability and affordability in our municipality.

Facilitated by Max Hardy, together with industry specialist – Regional Housing Victoria, the Beyond Bricks & Mortar Housing Summit aimed to foster collaboration, share innovative ideas and explore strategies to provide affordable, sustainable and inclusive housing solutions with a particular focus on an emerging workforce for the Swan Hill Region.

The summit will brought together local business owners, housing experts, industry leaders and local, state and federal government representatives to find some creative solutions.

Attendees will had the opportunity to hear from a range of expert speakers, as well as actively participate in break-out groups.