Progress underway for Swan Hill Tourism and Cultural Hub at Pioneer Settlement

Media Release - Wednesday 15 May 2024

The much-anticipated Swan Hill Tourism and Cultural Hub at Pioneer Settlement is moving closer to fruition.

Council’s Director Development and Planning said a crucial drainage upgrade for the site was scheduled to commence imminently, marking a significant step forward in the Hub's development timeline.

“This essential preparatory work will ensure the foundation is set for the forthcoming physical building works, laying the groundwork for robust and sustainable infrastructure,” Ms Grainger said.

Ms Grainger added that alongside this work Council was actively engaged in the meticulous planning required to safeguard and preserve key elements of the Pioneer Settlement's historical charm during this period of transition.

We’re currently diligently working to determine the most suitable arrangements for a number of cherished artifacts, ensuring their safekeeping and eventual return to enrich the restored landscape of the Tourism and Cultural Hub,” she added.

Among the items earmarked for relocation, or reuse are:

  • Hospital gates
  • Decorative Corten gates near the rotunda
  • White picket fencing panels
  • Timber batten fence along Monash Avenue
  • The timber birdhouse
  • A timber bench seat
  • Rose garden plantings
  • Ms Grainger said Council was delighted by the project's recent progress and the enthusiasm being shown by the community.

    "The Swan Hill Tourism and Cultural Hub will serve as a symbol of cultural enrichment and economic rejuvenation for our region,” Ms Grainger said.

    Heritage application - approved

    Media Statement - Wednesday, 7 February 2024

    Heritage Victoria has officially granted approval for the much-anticipated Swan Hill Tourism and Cultural Hub at Pioneer Settlement.

    Swan Hill Rural City Council Mayor, Cr Stuart King said it was a significant milestone for Council and the many residents passionate about this project.

    “Approval from Heritage Victoria marks a crucial step forward in the development of the Swan Hill Tourism and Cultural Hub.

    “We’re pleased that we can now move forward with detailed design works," Cr Stuart King said.


    At a Council meeting on Tuesday, 20 September 2022 Council resolved to seek a funding variation to build two new buildings, rather than pursue the proposed Our Place project – this week the variation has been approved.

    Council is delighted to be commencing concept development for the Swan Hill Art Gallery redevelopment and the Swan Hill Tourism and Cultural Hub – these projects will be suitably named, in the future.

    This project page is specifically related to the Swan Hill Tourism and Cultural Hub - to be built at Pioneer Settlement.

    The proposed single-storey tourism and cultural hub will be a new purpose built entry for Pioneer Settlement, Visitor Information Centre and Aboriginal Cultural space encompassing the redevelopment on Pental Island.

    *All plans at Pioneer Settlement are subject to Heritage Victoria approval.

    Frequently Asked Questions, regarding concept designs:

    Questions following focus group sessions - updated March 2023